Living your dream to the fullest! Be a star!

Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love and whatever your beliefs honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... right down here on Earth. That’s my thought to you! Click the rich dad poor dad button after scrolling down to access a book that will teach you how to live your life while gaining endless success!

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How to live your dream!

Living your dream life is something that many people strive to do but often time do not succeed. However, if you are committed to achieving your dream life you are likely to succeed. If you move towards your dreams, be true to yourself, and move away from the past you can start to live your dream life.


Pinpointing your desire's!

Pinpoint your desires. Pay attention to the things that you enjoy doing the most, and ask yourself what it is about those things that you enjoy. You should also pay attention to when you feel jealous of another person. This can be a clear indication that you desire something that they have or experienced. This doesn’t mean that you wish they didn’t have it, it just means that you want something similar.

For example, if you hear a friend talking about how they landed a job working from home and you feel a little jealous, that’s a pretty good indication that you might have a desire to work from home.

Setting goal's for yourself!

Set goals for yourself. Goals are going to be how you get from where you are now to where you want to be. The clearer your goals are, the more successful you will be at attaining them. Use the SMART acronym to set good goals

{Specific}  {Measurable} {Attainable} {Realistic} {Time bound}

Planning out your dream life!

Plan out your dream life. When doing this, dream big. Plan every single detail of your life. Start with imagining the situations in life that you currently find unappealing, and imagine something that’s better. Continue doing this until you cannot imagine anything better than the life you have created in your imagination. This will clarify your desires and help you set goals to reach the life that you truly want.

Imagine your ideal family. Do you have kids? Are you married? Where does your family live?

Detail every corner of your dream house. Choose the colors, floors, decorations, etc.

Ask yourself what you would do if you could have any job in the world. Consider what title and benefits you would want, too.

Even billionaire bill gates failed! 

Be at peace with failing occasionally. Many cultures see failure as a negative thing. Although it is not fun to experience failure, being afraid of failing should never prevent you from living your dream life. There is a good possibility that you won’t fail. And if you do fail, learn from your failure.

For example, living in fear of failure could prevent you from taking a new job opportunity.